Friday Fragments

Friday Fragments is brought to you by the ever-lovely, ever-eloquent Mrs.4444.  If you would like to take part, please go check her out, sign the little Mr. Linky thingy, and post your Friday Fragments.  They are all the little thoughts running around, posts that didn’t quite get fully formed or different things you have seen during the week.  Lots of fun!

***Hannah went to get her hair done after the hearing on Monday.  I came home from work to find a different girl.  They cut off a shitload of hair; I don’t know exactly how much, but a good 6-8 inches at least-from below her bra line to just barely at her shoulders.  I think she looks really good, and I think she feels good as well. 

***Almost every morning I see the same sweet elderly couple walking down the sidewalk holding hands.  It makes me smile every time I see them.

***Holy smokes, do we have bugs right now or what?  Earlier this week when I went to fill up the dog’s food dish, there were five big-ass beetles sort of scurrying around in it.  The way they looked didn’t especially bother me, but the sound of their scrabbling little legs around the tin pie pan gave me the heebie-jeebies.

***I have been a single parent for so long-most of my parenting life, in fact-that it is a huge part of my identity.  One of hte struggles I am having with Steve moving in is figuring out now just what that means.  We were talking about that last night, how for him being the Older Single-Never-Been-Married Single Guy has been such a huge part if HIS identity that he is also in the same place in terms of redefining himself.  This isn’t bad, it isn’t like, “oh, my god, this is terrible…”  No, it is just a big period of adjustment.

***Our town has a week-long Fourth of July celebration, starting tomorrow.  We’re talking food in the park every day, music and entertainment in the bandstand, of course the fireworks and the parade.  When we first moved here it was all  I could do to go to the fireworks; to stand in this huge crowd and be jostled and bumped by hundreds of people I didn’t know really freaked me out, but I didn’t want the kids to miss it.  It is a testament to the power of anti-depressants (I am on one that is also used to treat Generalized Anxiety Disorder) and working a good AA program and going to therapy that not only will I go this year willingly, but am actually looking forward to it.  I shake my head at the wonder of it all sometimes.

***Michael Jackson dead.  Wow.  I actually really liked some of his stuff, and it is a tragedy that he died so young, and so suddenly.  However, I am just going to come right out here and say that he was O.D.D., and I have a hard time believing that people are as shocked as they are, you know?

22 thoughts on “Friday Fragments

  1. That fourth of July week long thing sounds awesome! As for adjusting, it sounds like it is a journey you are embarking on together, and I hope that through each other you find your new identities. I wish you all the luck and love with that! Have a great weekend and tell Hannah that I’m rooting for her.
    .-= Erin´s last blog ..Honest Scrap =-.


  2. Yeah, it came as no shock, really. It’s just so sad, because he lived such a sad existence to me; surrounded by people but really never seeming to be connected to others. My husband said that when he was younger, he had always thought that he’d like to offer friendship to MJ, just so he could know what it would be like to have a friend who had ulterior motive.

    I love that Hannah got her hair cut drastically different; it’s a good sign that she is ready to leave the “past” behind her.

    Old couples like that are sweet. You should write them a note telling them thanks for serving as an example of what we are all striving for–true love.
    .-= mrs4444´s last blog ..Friday Fragments =-.


  3. You’re a brave woman, K-dog. My city does a huge thing in the park for the 4th and its the same deal: Way over crowded, bumping elbow with strangers kind of thing. I just cannot deal with it. It makes me want to jump right out of my skin! You must really love your kiddies a lot.


    • @Lady Lemon, That, plus they have some really good food there. 🙂 No, it has been hard BUT in time has gotten better. In that I haven’t broekn out in a sweat and felt like I needed to kill the next person who rubbed a clammy arm against mine.


  4. I don’t like crowds either. I absolutely HATE sweaty people rubbing up against me. Yech!!

    I agree on the MJ thing… At first I was like, “WHOA”, but quickly got over it. Everyone dies, and he did live a very odd life. I felt more shock when Princess Diana died, but then again I was a young girl and she was a princess.
    .-= Julie´s last blog ..Don’t even get me started: Car Insurance =-.


  5. It’s been a little while since I’ve been here so I had some catching up to do. I can’t imagine living with a man after being single for so long! I’m sure it’s quite an adjustment. But a good one I hope.

    And yes, our horny minds went to the same place on that meme question. Just read yours and I like the rest too. 😉

    Have a great weekend and enjoy the fourth celebration. Sounds fun!
    .-= MindyMom´s last blog ..MindyMeme =-.


  6. I got chills from the bugs fragment- ick. Good luck with the dude- I’m not a fan of mine at the time- hope your works out better!

    Oh yeah- thanks for the info, but why the hell is ‘Internet’ capatalized- never would have guessed.
    .-= tena´s last blog ..Friday Fragments =-.


  7. Kori–there is a lot of good stuff here! A cool hair cut, some exciting changes, a great outing.

    Oh, and MJ . . . totally the soundtrack of my childhood (someone said it, I’m stealing it). As a child of the 80s and being that his Victory Tour was my first concert, and that I have so much MJ memorabilia stashed in the basement, I’m a little numb. Not so much about him dying (as you said, not so much a shock) but for all he meant and all he represented. Weird that he’s gone. A chapter in my childhood just slammed shut.

    YOU, have a WONDERFUL week 😉


  8. I always tend to associate cutting off something as letting go. It took me forever to cut my son’s hair. Poor guy was sweating big time last year. Love that your town’s celebration is weeklong. And yes the Michael Jackson thing is surprising.


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